Core Values and Code of Conduct

5 min read • Updated Jul 15, 2024
Core Values and Code of Conduct


  1. Watch the video

  2. Read the Code of Conduct

  3. Sign your name on the Code of Conduct

Mission & Core Values

Our mission is to unlock human potential.

Core Values:

  1. Autonomy: Coaching, advising, and facilitating is an art. You are the artist, and Exec is here to enable you.

  2. Client Obsession: We do whatever we can to make the companies that buy from us and the employees we serve as successful as possible.

  3. Integrity: We do the right thing because it's the right thing.

  4. Feedback: We practice candor, which means we care about each other while addressing issues directly.

Code of Conduct

Our goal at Exec is to create a safe and welcoming place for folks of all backgrounds to connect with a member who can help improve their professional life. In order to achieve this goal, it is crucial that our members conduct themselves in a professional and safe manner.

  1. Keep it positive:

    I will be a source of positivity for our clients. Clients may express negativity about their situation, and it is my job to help them find a productive, positive path forward. Furthermore, I should never express negative opinions about other Exec clients, members, or the platform to clients.

  2. Professional communication:

    I will use mutual respect and professional appropriateness in writing, messages, emails, and sessions. I will be mindful of inclusive language, including pronouns or other preferences.

  3. No sexual topics:

    Under no circumstances will I engage in a conversation of a sexual nature, including making or reciprocating sexual advances with a client. I am allowed to engage in conversation with their clients about how to deal with inappropriate sexual advances in the workplace.

  4. No politics or religion:

    Under no circumstances will I advance my opinion about issues related to electoral politics or religion. I understand that politics and religion play a large role in many people's lives and acknowledge that conversations of this nature may arise. I will not engage and, instead, will refocus the conversation on topics related to the client's career.

  5. No independent promotion:

    Under no circumstances will I promote my independent business or any service that may be construed as competitive to Exec to an Exec client. This includes making more than a passing reference to my business on my profile. For example, I acknowledge that I will not drive people to my personal website as it would violate the Code of Conduct.

  6. Client information is private:

    Under no circumstances will I use client information disclosed through sessions, reviews, or the Exec platform in any way unrelated to the delivery of services for that client through Exec.

  7. No independent contracting with Exec or Placement clients:

    Under no circumstances will I agree to work with an Exec client outside of the Exec platform, regardless of who initiated contacted and which channel contact was initiated. For the sake of specificity, I know that any client who has worked with Exec within the preceding six months cannot be engaged in an independent engagement.

  8. Coach/client confidentiality is key:

    I respect and maintain client confidentiality. All client communications and coaching session content, which may involve sensitive detail, are kept private, unless authorized in specific enterprise engagements with agreed feedback loops. If these apply, I will inform the client upfront. I prioritize client trust, ensuring no misuse of disclosed information for personal gain.

We take violations of our Code of Conduct very seriously. Any violation of the Code of Conduct will be investigated by Exec and may result in disciplinary measures such as refunds, temporary suspensions from the platform, or permanent removal from Exec. When in doubt, please reach out to

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