How to Find A Hiring Manager's Email

Elise Gelwicks5 min read • Updated Oct 13, 2021
How to Find A Hiring Manager's Email

It might seem tricky to find someone's email, but it's actually pretty easy if you know where to look. If you want to reach out to a hiring manager and don't know their email address, there are a few good places to look.

The Company Website

Sleuthing is not so hard after all! Start with the company’s website and the "About Us" page. Company websites often list key contacts, and many have a separate careers page. The hiring manager's email address is unlikely to be listed, but you can send a message using the “Contact Us” button asking for the name and contact, or, if there is a phone number, call directly.

If you get through to a real person, ask to speak to human resources. Whoever you speak to, ask them for the name and contact of the HR manager.


LinkedIn is a networking platform that facilitates communication among professionals. If you search a company on LinkedIn, you will find the names of various employees. 

Try messaging one or two through their LinkedIn profiles to see if they can help you find the hiring manager or an HR contact. You might even use LinkedIn to find a friendly “insider” who will help you in your job search and your quest to reach the right person.


Of course, there’s Google search. Put in the person’s name and the word “email” and see what comes up. If you do not know the person’s name, you can try typing the company name and “HR Manager.”


Most people are on Twitter. You can find an individual's Twitter account by typing the name of the person followed by "Twitter." This directly takes you to their Twitter handle. From there, you can send them a tweet requesting their contact. is a site that provides emails of people at a specific company. Just add the domain name, such as “”, and email addresses will pop up. We love this site!

Trade Publications

If you don’t know the name of the hiring manager, find some trade publications and recent news on the company. You might find the information you need, or at least a name or a contact that you can approach. When executives and managers move within an industry, the news is often published in trade publications.

Whatever you decide to do, the best introduction to a hiring manager for job seekers is through a referral. So, if at all possible, find someone to introduce you to the hiring manager or at least give you their contact info. If they give you the email address, contact the hiring manager, and explain why you are doing so and who referred you.

Cover Your Bases

There’s no better feeling than finding a job posting that feels like your dream job. You apply, but you’re afraid your resume will get screened out and never reach the eyes of the hiring manager. Should you find the manager's email and send your cover letter directly to the person by name? Or, should you sit tight and just stick with the rote "Dear Hiring Manager?"

The answer is, it depends. In some instances, it is shrewd to contact the hiring manager directly about a new job. In fact, doing so shows that you are proactive and resourceful. However, in other cases, contacting the hiring manager will ensure that your dream job will be just that, a dream, and not your next job at all.

Let’s review how you should proceed to set yourself up for landing this dream job!

If you do decide to contact the hiring manager for a job opportunity, you should also apply according to the instructions on the job description. This secures two opportunities to reach your target and shows that you can follow instructions.

Here’s a guide to explain under what circumstances you should and should not go ahead and reach out and how to find that email address.

When You Absolutely Should Contact a Hiring Manager to Get a Job

1. If you think you have found the job of your dreams.

If this is the case, it’s time for an all-out offensive to get yourself noticed and at the top of the pile. What’s the best way to do this? Find a contact who is willing to refer you to the hiring manager.

This will take some sleuthing on LinkedIn, or you could take to social media and Facebook to find a lead. Time to test your networking skills. 

On LinkedIn, search the company page and see if anyone listed attended your alma mater. Look for other commonalities with employees that might work so that you can message them and introduce yourself.

2. If you think you have unique skills that make you perfect for the position.

Be careful here. You might think that you are special, but in the eyes of the hiring manager, you might not be that special at all. Convince the hiring manager that what you have is of value to them, and they won’t find it elsewhere. Sell yourself!

3. When you have been referred by someone.

If you are lucky enough to be referred by someone, you can and should contact the hiring manager in an email. Introduce yourself and state who referred you and why.  

Ideally, the person referring would send an introductory email themselves to the hiring manager copying you, and you would then send a follow-up email. But this sequence is not critical. Instead, copy the contact on the email and job application.

When You Absolutely Should Not Contact a Hiring Manager

1. When a job board listing specifies not to contact the hiring manager.

This is a clear indicator that the hiring manager does not want to see your email in their inbox. Heed that request, or have your name blackballed.

2. When you have submitted your application and received confirmation with a request to not follow up.

If you apply to a job posting and receive a blanket email asking that you not check in on the status of your application, respect that request. Don't send a cold email.

3. When the hiring process is under the auspices of a staffing company.

There is a reason that the hiring manager is using a recruiter or third party. The hiring manager does not want their inbox swamped with applicant emails.

If you try to work around a staffing company, it could backfire. Instead, make a phone call to the staffing company and ask them if they have reviewed your application. Make a case as to why your application should receive special attention.

The fact that you have reached out should ensure that your application is viewed. It might even put you on the top of the pile of the online applications and secure a job interview.

Elise Gelwicks
Elise is a communications and emotional intelligence training consultant for companies and law firms

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