
How To Write A Cover Letter

Elise Gelwicks30 min read • Updated Dec 21, 2022

How To Write A Cover Letter

30 min read • Updated Dec 21, 2022
How To Write A Cover Letter
How To Write A Cover Letter


🏆 Goal

Write top-notch cover letters with a proven process that makes them easy to write and incredibly impactful.

📗 When to Read

You’re ready to start applying for jobs. Cover letters are a crucial part of the job application process.

🔑 #1 Tip

Always write a cover letter when applying for a job, even if it’s not required.

⌚ Time Required

Plan to spend about an hour on every cover letter you write. Cover letters are often the most time-consuming part of applying for a job.

✅ Done When

You found yourself an excellent job and don’t need to continue writing cover letters! 🙌 


cover letter is a one-page document sent to an employer that accompanies your resume and helps you stand out from other applicants. Candidates often skip writing cover letters because they can be time-consuming to write and confuse what should be included.

This guide will give you everything you need to write great cover letters with ease. We’ll take the mystery out of what to write and how to write it. But first, let’s review why cover letters are so important. 

There are scenarios where you should write a cover letter. A few of those scenarios are:

  • You’re applying to a role that will get hundreds of qualified candidates, and you need to stand out. Ideally, you’d network your way into the company, but you’re moving fast to ensure you get your application in within the first hour the job is posted. 

  • The company’s mission truly means something to you - there’s an honest person connection you want to showcase.

  • You haven’t found a clear path to networking your way into the company. You don’t have second-degree connections on Linkedin nor a strong network in the industry.

  • It’s a job where writing a cover letter is essential such as a marketing manager, SDR, or Content Strategist.

  • This is one of your first jobs out of college, and you need to leverage any possible way to show why they should pick you.

  • You are an uncommonly good writer, and this is an opportunity for you to stand out positively.

  • You wrote a cover letter for a competitor, so re-using it would be easy and effective. 

If any of the following apply to you, it’s worthwhile to write a cover letter. 

Consider that there might be instances where you won’t have the option to include a cover letter when applying for a job via an online portal. Whenever you’re starting a job application, look through the application to see if a cover letter is required, requested, or emphasized in the application form. Sometimes, there will just be a text box instead. Read the cues and adapt accordingly to help you decide whether it’s worth your precious time.

Why write a cover letter

Cover letters are one of the most time-efficient ways to stand out when you’re applying. Unlike networking, they’re entirely in your control, so you can use them to stand out within hours of the job posting going live.

In total, cover letters help you:

✅ Stand out from other applicants

✅ Show the hiring team you want this job and didn’t mass apply

✅ Prove you did your research on this opportunity

✅ Convey your personality and tell your story

✅ Include information that didn’t fit in your resume about why you’re a great candidate 

 Let’s start by getting a few common misconceptions out of the way:

❌ Machines are reading your application. OK, so this is kind of a joke. But many people imagine that their cover letter is sent into a black hole. In reality, it’s sent into a big queue where it’s the job of the recruiting team or hiring manager to review. A real, live, breathing human being is on the other side, and they want to be treated well just like you do.

❌ Take up the whole page with your cover letter. It’s 2021! This isn’t school. Brevity is best. Most companies are inundated with hundreds of applications so you need to get your value across most concisely and compellingly possible. Focus only on the most relevant information for that specific job.

❌ You can use the same cover letter for multiple jobs. Cover letters must be customized to the specific company and role you’re applying for or they feel inauthentic. You can upcycle lots of the content, but it has to feel custom-tailored for the position. Using a highly generic template can hurt your chances of getting an interview. If you’re not going to put in the love, don’t even send it.

❌ Cover letters are like your resume in paragraph format. Nope. That would be boring to read! Your cover letter should be exciting and unique. It should share context about why you’re the right candidate to interview that can’t be found in your resume. 

Considering all of the common misconceptions listed above, you can see many pitfalls to avoid. Good thing you’re reading this guide ;)

I see what you're doing there...

To make sure we are all on the same page about what a cover letter should NOT be, let’s take a look at an example of a poorly written cover letter: 

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Jane Doe and I’m writing you to apply for the Sales Team Leader job. As soon as I saw it posted on LinkedIn, I knew this would be the perfect role for me because I’ve always had a strong ability to build relationships with people and persuade them to take action. I’m confident that I’m a qualified candidate for the position.

I started my career as a sales associate at a local retailer. In this role, I worked directly with customers to answer their questions about our products and make recommendations based on their needs. I learned that I’m a strong communicator and enjoy working with people.

I know my sales experience makes me a great fit to become a team leader. 

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing about next steps.


Jane Doe

See how that letter is boring, vague, and generic?

Ok, enough about what not to do! Let’s move on to what you should include in your cover letter 👌

Let's Do This (Encouragement)

Anatomy of a Cover Letter

Cover letters should include three main sections, each with a specific purpose. Your cover letter should be ⅔ to ¾ of a page long (we’ll cover formatting later!). We’ll break down what to include in each paragraph and take a look at some examples.

At a high level, your cover letter will include:

  • Paragraph 1:  Reel them in 🧐

    • Strong hook that makes them smile

    • Research to show you know your stuff

    • Proof that you actively follow the happenings of the company 

    • Target to the specific role you’re applying for

    • Introduction of why you’re a great candidate

  • Paragraph 2: Sell yourself 💁

    • Align the job description to your experiences and transferable skills

  • Paragraph 3: Wrap it up 💝

    • Restate how you’ll add value

    • Express appreciation for their consideration

    • Include contact information

Paragraph 1: Reel Them In 🧐

Start your cover letter with a good hook - something that makes them want to read more. Grab the reader’s attention and make them smile. Earn the right to be read. Say something like:

On July 19th, 2011, I became a premium member of Spotify. As someone just starting to explore their music taste, Spotify was a dream come true. Nine years later, music is a large part of what defines me. I’m a frequent concert-goer, my vinyl collection continues to grow, and I’ve even dabbled in making my tunes. I owe much of my interest in music to Spotify.

Show the reader you’re not just throwing in a resume. You’re highly interested in THIS job! Make it clear that you’ve really done your research. 

A couple of ways to do that are:

  • Explain how you learned about this job - and make it original. Writing you found the open position on LinkedIn doesn’t feel special. If you note that a current employee of the company suggested you apply, that’s really compelling. Best, of course, is that said employee talks to the hiring manager about your application! Please read about how to make that happen in our 

  • Show that you follow the company’s news. Mention you were reading TechCrunch and saw an article about their new beta product. To find articles or press about the company you’re applying for, you can simply Google “[Company Name] News.” Most companies have an “about us” or “press” page on their website. These pages are a gold mine of information to use. For lots more ideas about how to research a company, see our 

Next, include the role you’re applying for. You can hyperlink to the job posting, so there is no confusion, especially if the company has many of them.

Finally, end the paragraph with a segue into why you’re an excellent fit for this role. It’s just like your thesis statement in a grade school essay -- the most critical part of the whole page. Give the person a sneak-peek into why they should be excited you’re applying. Make them want to read more. 

Paragraph 2: Sell Yourself 💁

The second paragraph is your time to ✨ shine ✨. Pull up the job description in a parallel window and review the key responsibilities again. Pull from your resume the most directly related experiences related to the role and highlight your transferable skills. Be sure to mention any places where you meet the “nice to haves” if those are listed.

It’s helpful to use bullet points in the second paragraph to break up your cover letter visually. Anything longer can look daunting and run the risk of not being read. Keep it short and sweet.

Paragraph 3: Wrap It Up 💝

Finally, reiterate your excitement about the opportunity and make yourself available to be contacted! 

Summarize and reiterate the value you would add to this role. Emphasize why you absolutely need to be on the interview list. 

Next, thank the recruiting team for their consideration. Be appreciative of the time the team took to read your cover letter. Remember, companies are just people at the end of the day.

Finally, conclude with your contact information. Make it as easy as possible for the recruiting team to get you scheduled for an interview! 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all that goes into crafting a solid cover letter, we’ve got you covered. Check out Placement Plus to see all of the ways we can help you quickly write a top-notch cover letter. We’ve got experts on demand and proven templates that will grab the attention of recruiters. 

Formatting Your Cover Letter

It’s not just what you say in your cover letter -- presentation matters. Once you’ve written the three short sections of your cover letter, it’s time to put on the finishing touches to make sure it looks professional. We’re talking about font size, spacing, and file format.


If you’re submitting your cover letter as an attachment, whether the attachment is to an email or an online application, include a header that details your contact information.

Don’t put this info in the actual “header” of your document. Just put it at the top of the page.

If you’re going the old-school approach: In the top left of your Word document, provide the following:


Your Name

City, State

Phone Number

Email Address

If you’re going REALLY old-school and happen to be sending your cover letter as a printed document via mail, the heading should be formatted as such:


Your Name

Your Address

Your City, State, Zip Code

Your Phone Number

Your Email Address

Hiring Manager’s Name

Company Name

Company Address

Company City, State, ZIP Code

Greeting 👋

Start with the greeting. Use the person’s name to assume gender or marital status. It’s peculiar to read, “Dear Sir,” when you’re a woman! Instead, you can say “Dear [First Name Last Name].” 

If possible, figure out the hiring manager’s name so you can put it on the document and figure out how to network your way to that person.

Now we know you’re thinking… what if I don’t know the name of the hiring manager?! Not to worry - we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve.

Sometimes this information is listed in the job description or on the company website. Check there first.

If you still can’t find the right name, try searching LinkedIn. Spend some time looking at the people who work at the company and try to find the recruiter responsible for the division you’re applying to. If after a quick search you can’t find the recruiter’s name, stick with “{Company name} {Division you’re applying to} Team:” (e.g., Snapchat Accounting Team:)

Don’t say the old-fashioned “Dear Sir or Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern.” That sounds outdated and awkward. 

Closing 🤞

After the three paragraphs, at the end of your cover letter, is the closing. Strike a balance of friendly yet professional here. Pick one of these tried-and-true closings:

  • Thank you

  • Sincerely

  • Respectfully

Then type your name below the closing. Include your last name if you wish.


A cover letter is a professional document just like your resume, so match your font and font size to your resume- a font that reflects that tone. A basic font such as Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, or Verdana are good options, and the font size should be 10- or 12- point. 


Intentional white space in your resume makes it more easy to read and digestible - both of which are helpful for the hiring manager as they make their way through dozens, if not hundreds, of applications.

Keep your cover letter single-spaced.

Add a space (using Enter on your keyboard) in between each section of your cover letter. There should be a paragraph space between the contact information, salutation, first paragraph, second paragraph, third paragraph, closing, and name.

There is no need to indent any of your paragraphs (this is true anytime you single space a document #learnsomethingeveryday).


Document margins should be 0.5 to 1-inch all the way around. Look to match the margins to your resume so that it feels consistent.

File Format

Most of the time, you’ll be submitting your cover letter, resume, and job application online. If you’re sending your resume and cover letter to someone via email, both documents should be attachments and in PDF format. 

Check the name of your file before sending it. Aim to have as clear of a document name as possible and incorporate the company’s name into the document title. We recommend the following format: “First Name_Last Name__Company Name_Cover Letter.”

Suppose you’re sending your resume and cover letter via an online application. In that case, there will be specific instructions on if you should attach them in a particular file format or if there’s a text box for you to copy and paste into. 

Read any instructions carefully - you don’t want to disqualify yourself from an opportunity because of a silly file formatting mistake!

Cover Letter Templates

Alright, now onto the main event! Let’s look at some templates that you can use.

Most people can use one of the following key messages as the basis for their cover letter. These are: 

  • You have a highly relevant past experience.

  • You have transferable skills.

  • You are passionate about the problem they’re solving.

  • You truly believe in the company’s mission. 

Highly Relevant Past Experience

This go-to template is focused on clearly conveying that you can help address the key challenges that the team is facing. 

To leverage this template, you’ll need:

  • Your knowledge about the company

    • Identify something exciting or innovative that the company has recently done

    • An explanation of how you learned they were hiring

  • A statement on why you’re the right candidate

  • Three relevant skills or experiences to highlight that relate to the role

    • One skill/experience should include how this will help the company you’re interested in meeting its goals

    • Another skill experience should consist of what you learned and how that learning will benefit your future employer

    • The third experience should describe a challenge you know the company is facing and how you’ve handled a similar challenge in the past

  • A description of the problem the company is solving and why their solution to that problem is meaningful to you

Let’s take a look at the template!

Cover Letter Template: Highly Relevant Past Experience 💡

Dear {Hiring Manager First Name} and Team, 

Congratulations on {milestone you learned about in the press}! It’s clear that {Company Name} is a leader in {industry}. I learned about this role from {how?}, and I am excited to join your team as a {Job Title} potentially. 

It seems that {job function} at {Company Name} implies interesting challenges: {challenge 1, challenge 2, and challenge 3}. My career to date includes experience addressing each of these challenges:

  • At {previous organization}, I {thing you did} to {how it addressed challenge 1}. We successfully {achievement}. I imagine the approach we took there might work for your team, too.

  • At {previous organization}, I {thing you did to address challenge 2}. After {doing the thing you did}, we {achievement}. From this experience, I learned {thing you learned about how to address challenge 2}.

  • Most recently, I addressed {challenge 3} at {previous organization}. I led {thing that you led to address challenge3}. Together, we {did what?} that resulted in {quantifiable result}. 

What’s more, {company mission} is a longtime interest of mine. At {previous employer}, I {learned about the thing they’re working on}. Since then, I have continued to {how are you still involved in this?}. 

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I might leverage these experiences to contribute to {Company Name}’s mission. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


{Your Name}

Example of Highly Relevant Past Experience Template In Action

Dear Alena and Team, 

Congratulations on the fundraiser led by Social Capital! Aclima is a true leader in global air quality. Victor Gustafson, a friend of my former close colleague, told me about this opportunity, and I am excited to join your team as a Senior Product Manager potentially. 

It seems that the product at Aclima has interesting challenges -- the platform is technical and scientific, it is the first bona fide product role, and the development of data products is inherently tricky. My career to date includes experience addressing each of these challenges: 

  • At DataSmart Academy, I developed offerings to train professionals in the highly technical field of data science. We successfully partnered with industry leaders to help us deeply understand needs and iterated on the course in response to feedback. This resulted in an offering that helped 85% of our students land jobs in data science. I imagine the iterative approach we took there might work for your team, too. 

  • At DataSmart Academy, I became the first product leader for our core business after years of operation. After taking stock of the diverse processes across seven offices nationwide, I implemented one common approach to streamline development. From this experience, I learned to introduce process changes incrementally to maintain team empowerment.

  • Most recently, I developed data products at Freightly. I led the first platform team, working alongside incredibly talented engineers to conceptualize data as a product in and of itself. Together, we crafted APIs and plug-ins to improve data accessibility and quality for a broad user base. 

What’s more, global air quality is a longtime interest of mine. While at the University of Minnesota, I majored in Environmental Studies. Early after college, I researched industrial air pollution at an academic research center. I remain curious and passionate about these topics.

I would love the opportunity to discuss in depth how I might leverage these experiences to contribute to your mission. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm Regards,

Career Changer 🔄

You're really excited about a job and know you can excel in it, but you haven't done that exact work before. The company will hold you to a higher standard here -- you'll have to show that you're potentially better than someone who has done the job before. A tricky needle to thread! It's all about a hyper-clear correlation between your prior experience and the work you want to do, plus finding ways to stand out truly.

The key inputs for this template are:

  • Your knowledge about the company

    • An articulation of the problem they are trying to solve

    • An example of something interesting the company is doing, and why you find their work so important

  • Why you're the right candidate 

    • An experience that relates to the job you're applying to and makes you a good fit

    • A responsibility you had in a previous role and what you accomplished

    • A relevant prior experience and why it would help you succeed in this new job

    • A skill that's important for success in the position you're interested in, and experience you have related to that skill, and key learnings from your experience

    • Relate a favorite element of a previous role that relates to this one and what you would be able to help them do if you got the job 

Let's look at an example of a cover letter for someone targeting a career development opportunity or transition.

Cover Letter Template: Career Changer

Dear {Hiring manager first name}, 

{Insert relevant, customized, and interesting hook}. As a {Job Title} fascinated by {relevant functional topics}, I was thrilled to learn of the {Job Title} role at {Company Name}. I'm intrigued by {Company Name} 's approach to {problem they are solving}. {Interesting thing they are doing} seems really impactful because {why?}. 

I would be delighted to bring my experience in {what?} to help {specific problems they're facing}. 

Why should you consider me for the {Job Title} role? 

First, my experience in {relevant experience} enables me to {reason this makes you a good fit}. At {previous role}, I was responsible for {what things you were responsible for?} and I {achievement). This experience would set me up to {do something they want the role to do}. As a {Job Title}, it's vital to {critical for success in the role}. I would love to have the opportunity to contribute these skills as a {Job Title} role at {Company Name}. 

Why am I interested in the {Job Title} role? 

One of my favorite parts of my job at {previous organization} was {favorite element of your last role that relates to this job}. {Specific tasks you like or problems you want to solve} are what keep me up thinking at night and what get me up in the morning. This led me to accomplish {achievement}. {Things you've done before that they want you to do in this role}-- this is the stuff I love. 

I would be thrilled to {do the thing they want this role to do} at {Company Name}. I would love the opportunity to meet with you to discuss this. Thanks for your consideration. 


{Your Name}

Example of Career Changer Template In Action

Dear Greg, 

Call me a geek, but technical, logical puzzles about software implementation are what keep me up thinking at night and what get me up in the morning. As a marketer fascinated by marketing automation, I was thrilled to learn about the Marketing Implementation Specialist role at DemandSource. I'm intrigued by your approach to highly targeted B2B marketing. In my experience, tailoring makes emails perform better -- wouldn't the same approach work for ads? 

I would be delighted to bring my online marketing programs and marketing automation implementation experience to help your clients leverage the new ad targeting product. 

Why should you consider me for the marketing implementation specialist role? 

My technical marketing experience enables me to empathize easily with the client's perspective. As a marketing coordinator at Greenhome, I built out email nurture campaigns in Marketo and optimized landing pages to increase qualified lead generation by 300% in 18 months. My in-house experience would set me up to clearly understand client goals and help clients leverage Marketo to achieve their goals. For a role like this, it's critical to solve a problem and understand what questions to ask. I would love to have the opportunity to build on these skills in a client-facing role at DemandSource. 

Why am I interested in the marketing implementation specialist role? 

One of my favorite parts of my job at GreenHome was marketing automation with Salesforce and Marketo. Improving attribution tracking, solving database sync inconsistencies, and establishing business rules for data cleanliness -- this is the stuff I love. I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to work with problems like this every day for various clients. 

From what I've learned so far, it seems that my background makes me a great fit! I would love the opportunity to meet with you and learn more about the DemandSource team. Thanks for your consideration.


Passion for Disruption 💪

When you're genuinely pumped up about a company trying to solve a problem you really care about in a cool, differentiated way, use your cover letter to exude enthusiasm.

The key inputs for this template are:

  • Your knowledge about the company

    • Your previous experience that ties into their mission

    • Two to three examples of the work they're currently doing and why you think those things matter

    • Insight into something you recently read about them and what you learned from reading it

  • Why you're the right candidate 

    • Two relevant skills or experiences that make you a fantastic fit for the open position

    • One accomplishment with an explanation of how you accomplished it and how this shows you can help them meet their goal

    • Another achievement with a description of how you achieved it and what you learned from that experience that translates to how you can add value

  • A challenge they are facing and how you've faced that challenge before 

Cover Letter Template: Passion for Disruption

Dear {Hiring Manager First Name}, 

{Insert relevant, customized, and interesting hook}. Having {reference a thing you've done}, I know the importance of {Company Name} 's mission firsthand, and I love that you are {something you like about what they're doing}. I'm particularly impressed with {Company Name} 's {another cool thing they're doing} -- I've learned that {something that shows them why it matters}. I also really appreciate how {something unique they're doing} differentiates your organization from other players. After reading {something you read }, it's clear that {something you learned about them}. 

I'm very interested in contacting you about the prospect of joining your team as a {Job Title}. My extensive experience in {relevant experience 1, relevant experience 2, and relevant experience 3} seem like an excellent fit for your team. 

At {previous organization}, I {achievement related to experience 1} by {how did you achieve it?. I imagine that {the thing you previously did} would also help {Company Name}{achieve {a specific goal they have}. 

Before {previous organization}, I {relevant experience 2} where I {achievement}. Through this process, I learned {what?} and that's really helped me {way that you've improved or achieved even more}. 

I noticed that {challenge you think the company might be facing} and I'm curious how you're thinking about addressing this challenge. At {previous organization}, we encountered a similar problem -- {describe the challenge related to experience 3}. I approached it by first {first thing you did}, then {second thing you did}, and ultimately, {any last steps you took}. This process helped us {meet a specific goal}, and I wonder if a similar approach might be helpful at {Company Name}. 

I believe {thing you think} and I admire that {Company Name} {thing they do that shows they share this belief or that this belief applies to them}. It would be a joy to bring my skills and experience to an organization that resonates with my values. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I might contribute to {Company Name} 's goals. 

Thank you for your consideration,

{Your Name}

Example of Passion for Disruption Template In Action

Dear Olivia, 

Having started a personal finance venture myself, I know the importance of Chime's mission firsthand. I love that you are building products that help consumers make better financial decisions. I'm particularly impressed with how Chime's thoughtful features make it easier to save money -- I've learned that reducing friction is a great way to drive behavior change. I also really appreciate that the product works to protect consumers against fees, which differentiates it from other banking spaces. After reading your reviews on the app store, it's clear that these features help and customers notice. 

I'm very interested in contacting you about the prospect of joining your team as a Sales Team Leader. My extensive experiences in sales for personal finance and B2C applications seem like a great fit for your team.

As a Sales Manager at AutoGenius, I was responsible for an increase in over $4 million within my first year. I developed our talking points for positioning the company's first consumer-facing product, which now serves more than 300 partners and well over 100K consumers. To do this, I worked closely with our product team to really understand the benefits of our product and how it far exceeded the competition. I imagine that these skills would also help Chime better address customer needs. 

Before AutoGenius, I started a personal finance app to help parents and children learn how to save money. I maintained a weekly feedback loop with 50 families to help hone our prototype. Through this process, I learned the importance of showing customers what we mean rather than telling them, and that's helped me position products to solve customers' needs directly. 

I noticed that you're selling into a new market with your B2B offering, and I'm curious how you're thinking about addressing this challenge. At AutoGenius, I faced a similar problem -- getting our partners to adopt our first-ever consumer-facing product. I approached it by first conducting initial interviews to understand our partners' values and concerns better, and then I provided a product demo tailored to what I learned. This process helped us sell the first $350K with an 80% win rate, and I wonder if a similar approach might be helpful at Chime. 

I believe the best products and companies have interests aligned with their customers, and I admire that Chime builds its success on the success of its customers, in contrast with competitors in the financial space who make their money by charging fees. It would be a joy to join an organization that so clearly resonates with my values and background. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I might contribute to Chime's goals.

Thank you for your consideration,

Passion For The Mission 💕

Hiring managers love candidates passionate about their company's mission and are excited about the opportunity to contribute. If you're applying to a role because you really, genuinely care about the work the company is doing, then highlight that in your cover letter. 

The key inputs for this template are:

  • Describe the company mission and give an example of how they are making a positive difference

  • Share two relevant experiences- each having an impressive outcome that tie into goals the company has

  • Include an example of something you did in the past that relates to their mission and the insights you can bring to the table

Cover Letter Template: Passion for the Mission 

Dear {Hiring Manager First Name}, 

Ever since {pivotal life experience}, {topic the company is solving} has been significant to me. That's why {Company Name} 's mission to {summary of company mission} appeals to me so much. I especially appreciate that {thing they are doing to support this mission}. Not only am I thrilled about the chance to contribute to {Company Name} 's mission, but I am also excited about the opportunity to help {Company Name} {do the main thing the role will do} as a {Job Title}. 

As a {previous role} at {previous organization}, I gained experience {experience you gained} that led to {impressive outcome}. I would be delighted to apply this experience to help {Company Name} achieve its goal of {specific related goal you can help meet). 

A little bit more about me:

  • At {previous organization}, I also {thing you accomplished} by {thing that you did}. I imagine that some of the lessons I learned would help me {tackle related problems the team is facing} as part of {Company Name} 's {job function} team.

  • Before {previous organization}, my passion for {relevant passion} led me to {relevant thing that you did}. I would welcome the opportunity to bring {insights you would bring} to {Company Name}. 

 It would be a dream come true for me to contribute my {relevant skills or experience} as a {Job Title} at an organization that's so aligned with my values and background. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I might leverage these experiences to contribute to {Company Name} 's mission. Thank you for your consideration! 

Best regards,

{Your Name}

Example of Passion for the Mission Template In Action

Dear Jessica, 

Ever since Hurricane Sandy struck NYC and I experienced the power of extreme weather firsthand, addressing climate change has been really important to me. That's why Resciencia's mission to empower communities to adapt to climate change appeals to me so much. I especially appreciate that you coordinate directly with local stakeholders to give voice to communities on the front lines of climate change. Not only am I thrilled about the chance to contribute to Resciencia's mission, but I am also excited about the opportunity to help Resciencia generate awareness about climate change adaptation as a content marketing manager. 

As a content marketing manager at Climadata, I gained experience producing content, managing a content calendar, and scaling a content team that led to a 400% lift in organic web traffic and increased our brand recognition to become the leader in the space. I would be delighted to apply this experience to help Resciencia achieve its goal of becoming a thought leader in climate change adaptation. 

A little bit more about me: 

  • At Climadata, I also helped the sales team pitch to new audiences by defining our positioning for different personas and developing sales training. I imagine that some of the lessons I learned would help me support the partnerships team as they seek to influence local governments.

  • Before Climadata, my passion for climate solutions led me to pursue my Master's degree in public policy at Berkeley, where I studied environmental and climate policy. I would welcome the opportunity to bring my knowledge of the latest innovations in climate adaptation and policy to Resciencia. 

It would be a dream come true for me to contribute my storytelling and project-management skills as a content marketing manager at an organization that's so aligned with my values and background. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I might leverage these experiences to contribute to Resciencia's mission. Thank you for your consideration!

Best Regards,

The Finishing Touches ✨

Once you have a solid draft of your cover letter complete, it's time to take a break. Seriously, close your computer, go for a walk, go to bed, or do something else for a few hours. Give your brain some time to disconnect from what you wrote.

Once you've gotten some distance from your cover letter draft, you should do a final review. Taking a break from looking at it for a while will help you read through it with a fresh set of eyes. You'll be more likely to identify some awkward sentence structures, develop more creative hooks, and catch any grammatical errors.

Doing a final read-through of your cover letter is so, so important. You put a ton of time into drafting it and applying for a role, so don't lose out on an opportunity because there was a silly typo in your cover letter!

All About The Looks

As a reminder, here's the three paragraphs you've drafted so far. Now's the time to make any tweaks after seeing a few templates.

Elise Gelwicks
Elise is a communications and emotional intelligence training consultant for companies and law firms

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